Luther’s First Birthday Thesis!

Luther’s First Birthday Thesis!

Today was another special day in the Mwita family – a day of celebration. We marked the first birthday of our son, Luther Thwagi Mwita. I sit in my study as I write reminiscing about the incredible journey we have had with this little bundle of joy – the smiler that he is. Luther, with his infectious smiles and laughter, has brought happiness into our home. My boy radiates joy. Luther’s love for food, especially watermelon and anything else that is edible, amuses us. It is incredible how such a tiny being can possess such a huge appetite. My wife and I often find ourselves intervening to prevent him from overindulging. Unlike his boring dad, Luther has a passion for the culinary delights that life has to offer, that’s for sure! But it is not just his love for food that lights up our world; it is Luther’s perpetual smile that steals our hearts every single day. From the moment Luther entered our lives, he brought an unparalleled joy and laughter that filled our home. He is a happy child, radiating joy and laughter for no apparent reason. It is as if he has come across Psalm 16:11 and understood it well. He smiles when I make funny faces, when mommy looks at him and sings with him, when his belly is full, when sister Olive plays peek-a-boo with him, when auntie Joy plays or dances with him. He seems to find pleasure in little things. Seeing this we are often reminded as a family of the kind of joy that comes from a childlike heart. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 18:3, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Luther reminds us to cherish life’s precious moments.

If you interact with my family for a short while, you can quickly tell that Luther loves his family. He enjoys spending time with his big sister, Olive. They often sit together, engaged in their own playful world, Olive crawling around with her little brother, giggling and speaking gibberish to one another. When they see daddy, they run with arms outstretched, demanding to be carried together. The bond they share is truly heartwarming. I hope this continues for the rest of their lives.

But above all, Luther is undeniably a mama’s boy. His love for his mother is greater than any other “love” in his life – whether of food, or auntie, or big sister, or even daddy. Mommy is his favourite. He can spot her from across a hall. If she is not within his sight, he doesn’t hesitate to make his presence known with tears and screams. He always wants to ensure that she is close. His unwavering attachment to his mother ought to remind us of the bond believers share with God.

In more than one place in the Bible, God likens Himself to a mother, even to a mother hen. This demonstrates His care, love, and protection over His people. There are passages ij the Bible that remind us of this very aspect – of God’s nurturing and comforting nature. One example is found in Isaiah 66:13: “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Another is Isaiah 49:15, “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” In today’s society, a mother’s love is often seen as the epitome of selfless affection. God in the Scriptures, likens Himself to a mother emphasizes His boundless love for His children. Jesus Himself in Matthew 23:37 used this metaphor when lamenting over Jerusalem, saying, “How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.” Our Lord is protective by nature, just as a mother hen shields her vulnerable chicks from the devouring hawk or eagle above. He desires to provide for His people’s needs. In fact, God’s love surpasses even the deep love of a mother, assuring us of His unfailing and enduring commitment to our well-being. 

What then shall we say to these things? How should we act? Our response with the Psalmist ought to be a trust and dependence that recognizes this. Psalm 131:2 beautifully captures this response as it should be, “But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” We must be as content children, resting securely in our Father’s arms. We will only find peace and fulfillment when we trust in God’s care. We are not alone in our journey of faith. God is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. We are assured that no matter the challenges we face, God is there to shield and protect us, to provide for and sustain us, and to offer solace in times of distress. These truths enable us to approach our Christian walk with confidence and hope, to practice our faith knowing that we have a loving and nurturing God who watches over us more than a devoted mother does over their child, more than my lovely queen watches over our little Luther.

The choice to name our son Luther was not coincidental. It was a deliberate decision, symbolizing our desire for him to grow up embodying the admirable qualities of his namesake, Martin Luther the German Monk turned Reformer – you can read all about it here. Luther the Reformer was used by God to bring about significant changes in the Christian faith, challenging the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and pinning his 95 Theses that sparked off the Protestant Reformation. He sought to restore the true essence and priority of the gospel in the church. He emphasized a God-centered salvation, particularly justification by grace alone through faith alone. Similarly, our hope is that our baby Luther will grow up to know the Lord Jesus as zealously, to know the Joy of the World Himself, and come to cherish the very same truths that the older Luther espoused. May our beloved son one day zealously and boldly share the eternal joy of salvation with those around him.

Happy first birthday, Luther Thwagi Mwita! May your life be filled with an abundance of laughter, love, and the surpassing joy that can only come from knowing and experiencing the Lord Jesus Christ by His Spirit. May God help mommy and daddy to nurture your joyful spirit and guide you towards a life rooted in Christian faith, in God’s word, in Christian practice, just as Martin Luther sought to lead people back to the truth of the gospel. Perhaps one day God will use your life as a shining example of that joy—a joy that transcends circumstances. We love you. Happy birthday, my Luther, our son!

Three, for One Olive!

Three, for One Olive!

As I sit down to write this post, I can hardly believe that three (3) whole years have passed since the day our little princess, Olive, was born. On a chilly spring morning, Melissa and I received our first bundle of joy. Three is a good age. It seems like just yesterday that my lovely wife and I were holding her for the very first time, marveling at the wonder of new life and the tremendous responsibility that comes with being parents. And yet here we are, three years later, celebrating her birthday and reflecting on all the ways in which she has grown. Although Olive spent her third birthday-week sick with a severe cold (Luther also got infected), we are nonetheless glad that God has granted us so many days with her, so far. These are the things we want to remember all our lives as we thank God.

First and foremost, we want to thank God for the gift of our daughter’s life. The passage that comes to mind is, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.” (Psalm 127:3-5). As Christians, we believe that every child is a heritage from the Lord Jesus, and we are very grateful to Him for granting us the privilege of being entrusted with these precious little ones. 

Our dear daughter, Olive, has brought great joy into our lives, and we are grateful for every moment that we get to spend with her. We have enjoyed laughter, playing games, singing songs, and just being plain silly with her. Watching our daughter grow in our home has been one of the greatest joys of our lives. As parents, we have endeavored to protect her, and provide for her, to offer her love, and to point her towards the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe and confess that He is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and truth, and we want our daughter to grow up knowing Him and loving Him. We pray that she will become a Christian at a young age, and that she will grow in wisdom and knowledge, knowing Christ, knowing herself, and how to live in this present wicked age.

Of course, these past three years have not been without their challenges for her. Our daughter was born in a foreign country during the Covid-19 pandemic, a time when the whole world was gripped by fear and uncertainty. We were very close to the epicenter of the spread in Europe, Switzerland being just north of Italy. I had just recovered from the virus a few days prior to her birth, and we were acutely aware of the risks involved in bringing a new life into the world during such a difficult time. But even in the midst of all the fear and uncertainty, we knew that God was sovereign and in control. We trusted that He would protect our little one, and we clung to the promise that He would never leave us or forsake us. And God has proven His word true, even through adversity.

One of the things that has struck us most about our daughter is her resilience, even at her age. She was born into a world that has often been hostile and unforgiving as she has her own health problems. Yet, she has faced every challenge, always looking at mummy and daddy as if with a wilful determination in her heart. Watching her navigate the difficulties of life has been humbling, knowing that her life is not held by us, but by God Himself. We feel blessed to have her as our daughter.

We are not the only ones who love our daughter. There are many friends who love her. While living in Switzerland, we interacted a lot with members of Lausanne Free Church, and many displayed their affection and love towards Olive in ways that were heart-warming. Todate, they still ask about her life. There are also those who are members of our local church, Upendo Gospel Community Church, Kenya. The members there have grown quite fond of our little Olive, and always keep an eye on her on Sundays when I have to serve them at the pulpit. She also knows quite a number of them and refers to them by name. Then, there is a group of friends from other spheres, other churches, other countries – some who are yet to meet us face to face, but keep encouraging us. Her extended families, both from my side and my wife’s side, love her tremendously. She has many gukas (grandpas), cucus (grandmas), uncles, aunts, cousins, and a great grandfather and a great grandmother. Of course, we cannot forget auntie Joy, my younger sister who lives with us, whom Olive dearly loves, and Olive’s younger brother, Luther. It is beautiful to watch her care for her small brother, with great affection. She is highly favored amongst friends and family, and we are grateful for the love and support that they have shown to us as a small family. If it takes a village to raise a child, this has been our village, especially made up of beloved Christians. We are grateful to have such a wonderful larger family-group supporting us.

Olive recently began to go to school. We are excited about the opportunities and experiences that await her. We know that she will learn many new things, make new friends, and discover new interests – though for now she has brought an infection home. She has also begun expressing herself better – more logically, and remembering events. We pray that she will approach learning with a godly attitude, eager to develop and grow. One day she will come to understand that education is a gift, and will use it for the benefit of others, not just for herself, and to the glory of God. 

Being that we are Christian parents, we have certain ideals that we would like to see in our daughter as she grows up. God helping us, we pray that Olive will grow up to be a woman of true faith and godly courage, someone who is not afraid to stand firm for what is righteous, even in the face of opposition – especially in today’s wicked generation, which may worsen tomorrow. We want her to be a beacon of light in a world that can often be dark and discouraging, someone who points others towards the love and grace of God. We hope that she matures into a godly woman, ready to do what is right, what is good, what is pure – ready to obey God, even more than she obeys us. We have been working with her on obedience, as her parents. It is not easy as she is at that stage of life where she has discovered she has a will of her own and we cannot force her to do everything well. As she learns various things in her young life, we want her to understand the importance of following instructions, respecting legitimate authority, and doing what is right and godly, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. These are foundational issues that will serve her well throughout her life, and we are committed to helping her develop them. Perhaps, it will providentially lead to her eternal salvation. God knows His plans for her, and will bring them to fulfillment in His own time. Our job is to love, guide, discipline, and encourage our little Olive, in accordance with His word and ways, in this present world. We know that there will be challenges and struggles along the way, but we also know that God is faithful. He has been with us every step of the way thus far, and we trust that he will continue to guide and direct us in the years to come.

I want to reiterate how grateful we are for our beloved daughter. As I wrote, she has brought so much joy and love into our lives, and we are excited to see all the wonderful things that God has in store for her. We pray that as she continues to grow and develop in the years ahead, that she will always know how much she is loved and valued by her family, by many friends, and most importantly, by God.

May our daughter always know that she is a precious gift from God to my wife and I, and may she grow up to be a citizen of His kingdom. Happy birthday, our little princess, our dear daughter Olive. We love you. We love you more than words can say.